Monday, November 28, 2011

wishing on the moon

Look at the moon tonight and ask what wisdom it has for you. Then send a prayer tapping into the natural energy of the moon in its current state. Right now we have a beautiful crescent moon and the full shadowy left over part can often be clearly seen. This may inspire a poem about love and relatedness in your life. Perhaps you are wanting to call in a beloved and you'd like your relationship to have that kind of perfect holding of opposites within it. Or perhaps you'd like to relate to your own disowned aspects in a more loving way, just as the crescent gently shines light on its shadowy part without judgment or fear.

For information on my shamanic healing and psychotherapy practice, visit me at I offer sessions in person in Antioch and Albany and using distance healing with those all over the world. I specialize in adults who have experienced abuse or a traumatic life event and are ready to turn the curse into a blessing for themselves and the world.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Musings on True Relatedness

Despite more ways to communicate, relationships in the modern world so often become superficial or dysfunctional. The connection becomes about building up one another's ego or a desperate attempt to provide comfort and a balm for each other's wounds.

John O'Donohue, Irish writer and former priest, wrote about the elements of a truly intimate connection with an anam cara or Soul friend. He writes:

"Anam cara was originally someone to whom you confessed revealing the hidden intimacies of your life. With the anam cara, you could share your innermost self, your mind and your heart. This friendship was an act of recognition and belonging. When you had an anam cara, your friendship cut across all convention, morality and category. You were joined in an ancient and eternal way with 'the friend of your soul'."

May you find an anam cara today in yourself or in another. Any relationship can be nurtured to this point. Turn off the television and sit down with your beloved or an old friend. Look at each other in the eye and have a nice chat from the heart.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

3 Simple Ways to Connect With Your Soul

In today's world, we're very focused on our minds and bodies. This is great unless we forget another very important part of ourselves: the Soul. People who live a more Soul-centered life often experience greater happiness and abundance.

Here are 3 ways to connect with your Soul today:

1. Make a list of things that quicken the life in you and fill you with deep emotion that transcends events or mood. These are the things that cause some deep inner part to stir. Some examples may include poetry, dancing, music, laughing with a child, playing with an animal, or connecting with nature. But there's no right or wrong. Make sure you write quickly and without too much thought or censorship.

2. Look at the list and ask your heart, "Which of these do I need most today?" Listen for the answer that comes from a place far beyond logical thought or the world of "shoulds".

3. Now give yourself 10 minutes to engage in your heart's desire. Keep it simple! Don't let the need for it to be done "right" keep you from doing it at all. Reading a poem in a quiet place or spending some time silently under a tree in the yard can be just enough nourishment for the Soul.

If you feel disconnected from your Soul or heart, a shamanic healing can help. Visit for a deal and for more information on shamanic healing.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Shamanic healing deal extended by Spirit Savings!

This is a great opportunity for those who might not be able to afford the $120. Visit to take advantage of this deal that has now been extended through September 6th!

For more on shamanism, visit the site of where I got my practitioner's certificate:

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Shamanic healing can restore power and balance.

Visit The deal on ends on August 31st!

Although shamanic healing is subtle at times, it is quite powerful. Many clients report feeling a lot more energy and more ability to take the steps to lead them to their dreams. Others experience more happiness, and their lives get even better!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Shamanic healing for those with specific religious beliefs.

Shamanism is not a religion. You can maintain your beliefs in a religion and still engage in a shamanic healing. I practice Spiritual democracy, meaning I fully honor all beliefs even if I don't share them.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

What is Soul Retrieval?

Sometimes a trauma in life makes part of the Soul run for cover. In a Soul retrieval, that part is met by the shamanic practitioner and guided back to become integrated with your whole person. This can lead to a renewed sense of congruence in your actions. It can help you close the gap between who you want to be on a deep level and what you are doing in your life.